Butt plates ready for placement...
Butt plates ready for placement...
Photo By: AB
...and in place.
...and in place.
Photo By: AB
dry fitting planks
dry fitting planks
Photo By: AB
Fairing commencing.
Fairing commencing.
Photo By: AB
See through!
See through!
Photo By: AB
portlight template
portlight template
Photo By: AB
Planing renovated plank.
Planing renovated plank.
Photo By: AB
The slice
The slice
Photo By: AB
The 20ft  keel plank...
The 20ft keel plank...
Photo By: AB
...and where it will be fitted
...and where it will be fitted
Photo By: AB
...in place.
...in place.
Photo By: AB
Cutting the approx. 5,000 plugs
Cutting the approx. 5,000 plugs
Photo By: AB