Galley being refitted.
Galley being refitted.
Photo By: AB
Keel repairs
Keel repairs
Photo By: AB
Bilge aft maintenance complete.
Bilge aft maintenance complete.
Photo By: AB
Lazarette primed
Lazarette primed
Photo By: AB
Port light ready for fairing
Port light ready for fairing
Photo By: AB
Cockpit repairs progressing
Cockpit repairs progressing
Photo By: AB
5M torture board fairing team
5M torture board fairing team
Photo By: AB
Transom filled
Transom filled
Photo By: AB
Stbd quarter filled and ready for sanding
Stbd quarter filled and ready for sanding
Photo By: AB
Stbd shaft area faired and primed
Stbd shaft area faired and primed
Photo By: AB
Fairing team skimming stbd waterline
Fairing team skimming stbd waterline
Photo By: AB
Cavita/cove line reinstated
Cavita/cove line reinstated
Photo By: AB